The large poster related to our thoughts on animal voices… we did a little brainstorming and came up with 4 […]
We summarized how people treat the animals in 3 main categories in our country. We wrote some basic problems and […]
The poster focused on four topics of interest: wildlife, farming, stray and pet management, and environmental. Firstly, we structured the […]
In my country we have shelters for dogs, but still there are a lot of stray dogs. There are places set […]
Animal welfare for me means ”carrying the government or the politicians for the animals” It is like animal politico that […]
Animal welfare for me means that there is more help and support from the state (animal shelters and similar services). […]
Animal welfare is treating animals fair, as the individuals they are. Their life are significant as much as pets or […]
Animal welfare means a lot to me. It represents quality life of the animals in suitable conditions. It means they […]
For me, animal welfare is a well being situation for animals, a situation in which they have food enough, they […]
It is important that the rights of animals are respected, because only then can animal welfare exist. This only applies […]