The new YE ”Green voices of Europe” will start soon (on Friday) in our hostel Albergue Lug2 in Lugo.
This YE is all about the topics; green living, climate change mitigation, climate change damages etc.🌍🌳

The main goal is to analyze climate protection in Europe from the perspective of young people and to help in spreading this important topic.
The project will bring together young Europeans from Armenia, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Macedonia and Spain and give them the opportunity to meet in Albergue Lug2 (Spain).💬♻️
The YE will take place from December 2-10 (including travel days).

We look forward to you and your ideas!

The link to the videos of the participating countries:

#Erasmus+ #GreenVoices #ErasmusPlus #alberguelug2 # #climatechange #livegreen


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